Always-On Loan Marketing for Always-On Consumers

Loan acquisition solutions from Harland Clarke take the guesswork out of consumer marketing with integrated communications across all touchpoints and advanced analytics and modeling designed to improve customer satisfaction and grow your entire portfolio.

Clients that take a comprehensive approach to loan marketing report impressive results:*

  • $61 - $80 per booked loan
  • 50% funded rate
  • Average response rate: 3-5%
  • 10% of loans generated via digital channels


Respond to behavioral triggers by active borrowers within one day
Market multiple products at once, eliminating the need for individual campaigns
Reach creditworthy applicants in all stages of the decision-making process via direct mail, email, online, mobile, and phone channels
Launch turnkey, cost-effective recurring programs to stay top-of-mind and relevant
Grow volume across the entire loan portfolio and support product-specific initiatives: home equity, HELOC, mortgage loans, auto, credit card, personal, and refinance


   Download our eBook, “A New Paradigm in Loan Marketing”







*Harland Clarke client data, 2019
Many variables impact campaign success. The information on earnings or percentage increases is provided for demonstrative purposes only. Harland Clarke does not guarantee or warrant earnings or a particular level of success with a campaign.


Be there with the loans they need, when they need them.

Complete the form below to schedule a consultation with a Harland Clarke representative.